
Showing posts from 2015


In Native American Wisdoms,  Family Constellations  and the Cardinal Method,  Silence  is a very powerful source of healing. (Paola Ranova, Nov. 2015)


Most of our healing, especially self-healing, comes from silence. (Paola Ranova, based on Native North-American West Shield Wisdom, October, 2015)

Life is Simple

Life is natural & simple. Our split minds make it complicated, period. (Paola Ranova, October 17th, 2015).

Thomas Hobbes & our distortions

Thomas Hobbes is, in my opinion, not a great describer of our natural state of being. He's actually, very acurately, describing our distortions, the distortions of the split mind. (Paola Ranova, 2015)



Helen Palmer

"There is a place of silence in yourself that is always unfolding in the present moment." Helen Palmer

This is Precious Lifetime


Being Free / Ser Livre

Being free is very different from being alone. --------------------------------------------- Ser livre é muito diferente de ser sozinha. (Paola Ranova, 1/29/2011)

Persephone Archetypes

I have always been so intrigued by the Persephone Archetype in Greek mythology. It has so much to say about the inner world of women and our natural rites of passage. This 1943 image by Frida Kahlo says a lot about Persephone's journey. It is called "La novia que se espanta de ver la vida abierta." ("The bride who is frightened to see the open life")


Gente... Esse tal de amor.. não é fácil não...

It is what people do

Limitation and blockage ar never about things manifested - matter and energy are neutral. The distortions are always about reaction to painful memories in collective unconscious fields and the actions of specific people. (Paola Ranova Medtation, March/2015)

Neutrality and Beauty

"Healing comes from a space of Neutrality and Beauty." (Native American wisdom)


Looking back at life and realizing what lack of discernment can do to damage our Souls is actually frightening. Discernment is a natural instinct that we lose from painful life experiences and basically seems to be a good defense mechanism that tells us instantly to get away from what is crazy (which means chaotic and energy depleting, not to be confused with creativity and exploring the unknown with a structured mind), from what is lazy and from what is stupid (which to me means lack of quality in any level). Discernment is not about rigidity, though. It is a fine-tuned sophisticated aspect of consciousness that protects us from harm. (Paola Ranova, March 8th, 2015. Thank you Gisèle King for encouraging us to read the Pistis Sophia book, it contains priceless wisdom. Also look for "Women Who Run with the Wolves" by Clarissa Pinkola Estès, chapter 1).

Energy Medicine Sparks #1

Energy goes where it needs to go to bring us consciousness and awareness. (Paola Ranova) @paolaranova 

Things are what they are

There is no room for doubt in the spiritual world. Things are what they are. (Paola Ranova)

Healing Music

Just let the songs heal you. (Paola Ranova, Jan. 15th, 2015)

Vital Forces


2015 com tudo o que é orgânico e vivo, pleno de alma e luz

A sabedoria dos anos que passam ... “Desde a idade de 6 anos eu tinha mania de desenhar a forma dos objetos. Por volta dos 50 havia publicado uma infinidade de desenhos, mas tudo o que produzi antes dos 60 não deve ser levado em conta. Aos 73 compreendi mais ou menos a estrutura da verdadeira natureza, as plantas, as árvores, os pássaros, os peixes e os insetos. Em consequência, aos 80 terei feito ainda mais progresso. Aos noventa penetrarei no mistério das coisas; aos 100, t ... erei decididamente chegado a um grau de maravilhamento – e quando eu tiver 110 anos, para mim, seja um ponto ou uma linha, tudo será vivo.” Katsushika Hokusai Artista japonês Muito grata pelo envio, Juliana Rochet :-)