Lapis Lazuli Consciousness

Lapis Lazuli is a strong stone that helps heal the ego in a Cardinal Method of Life Connection (CMLC℠) perspective. 

It brings peace of mind and deep, grounded wisdom to the Soul.

In a CMLC perspective, Lapis Lazuli is connected to the Medicine Buddha & Dhanvantari in Ayurvedic wisdom. The basic principle in this connection is that all dis-ease starts in the ego and in distorted mind patterns, and when we heal the ego, we may eventually heal the physical body.

Lapis Lazuli belongs to the cubic/isometric system, which balances the root chakra, and its color balances the third-eye, so Lapis connects and strengthens these two chakras. 

Lapis Lazuli is a royal-blue crystal streaked with pyrite, and more intense the blue color is, the more it reveals the quality of the specimen. 

I hope you've enjoyed this little piece of CMLC crystal info!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments area below, and for more CMLC℠, visit the YouTube Channel PAOLA RANOVA, the website and the Facebook and Instagram Profiles @paolaranova and @paola.ranova

*all contents and illustrations by Paola Novaes Ramos© (Paola Ranova©). All rights reserved.


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