Earth & Fire



According to Chinese Medicine, material life manifests in different organized levels. One of them is the binary Yin & Yang system, and the Five Element cycles (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water & Wood) are another. For further information you can talk to a D.O.M. (Doctor of Oriental Medicine), and research on your own. If you are not familiar with this knowledge, a good book to start would be Giles Marin's book Five ElementsSix Conditions: A Taoist Approach to Emotional Healing, Psychology, and Internal Alchemy

In this story, Raddie thanks her parents, Dame and Nate, for her life, and celebrates her Chinese Medicine elemental constitution in the presence of three powerful crystals: Chrysoprase, Blue Hemimorphite, and Reddish-Brown-Orange Aragonite, present in the first image of this story.

Chrysoprase belongs to the trigonal system, and in the Cardinal Method of Life Connection(CMLC) perspective all trigonal crystals align the Crown chakra. Being green, Chrysoprase also heals and strengthens the Heart chakra, specifically brings vitality to the physical body, and helps us create a deeper connection with God, our Higher Selves and the Truth. As we manifest the true essence of our beings in the world instead of hiding behind masks, fears, and ego distortions, it encourages a positive attitude towards life. Chrysoprase aligns us with our higher purpose, clears away judgemental attitudes, and dissolves merciless thinking. In the CMLC, it creates a healthy relationship with our fathers and the paternal family system.

Hemimorphite belongs to the orthorhombic system, and in a CMLC℠ perspective, blue Hemimorphite aligns both the sacral chakra (because it belongs to the orthorhombic system) and the throat chakra (because of the color blue). This stone is specifically powerful to help us elevate our vibrational frequency and encourages the integration between the subtle bodies and the physical body. It strengthens our ablity to live from the Truth and to manifest our best potentials. It also protects us from distorted and destructive energies, shapening all our senses and expanding our awareness.

Aragonite brings a sense of physical and emotional well being and a healthy connection with the physical body. It belongs to the orthorhombic system, and the reddish-brown and orange variation is the master stone to balance the sacral chakra in a CMLC perspective, as more thoroughly explained in the book The Cardinal Method of Life Connection. It is useful in healing inner child issues and our relationship with our mother, and it helps to balance the maternal family system.

Observe how you feel in your physical body. Do you take good care of it? Observe if you get enough movement, nurturing, and rest. Did you ever thank your parents for your body and for the life that, through them, has been given to you?

I hope you've enjoyed this CMLC illustrated story!

For more crystal info, check out the books Your Cardinal Connections and The Cardinal Method of Life Connection, for sale on !

Let me know your thoughts in the comments area below, and for more CMLC℠ information, visit the YouTube Channel PAOLA RANOVA, the website and the Facebook and Instagram Profiles @paolaranova and @paola.ranova

*all contents and illustrations by Paola Novaes Ramos© (Paola Ranova©). All rights reserved.



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