Smokey Quartz Wisdom

Smokey Quartz is a very powerful crystal. It belongs to the Quartz Family and the Trigonal System. In the Cardinal Method of Life Connection ℠ (CMLC ℠ ) , all Trigonal System crystals align the Crown Chakra and create a stronger connection with God. In a CMLC ℠ perspective, Smokey Quartz brings Wisdom to our lives and helps heal collective energies, such as families, cities and cultures. It brings a kind of wisdom in which we see the truth of others and deeply respect the individuality of each person, as we calmly take care of our lives and let them be. I hope you've enjoyed this little piece of info! Let me know your thoughts in the comments area below, and for more CMLC℠, visit the YouTube Channel PAOLA RANOVA, the website and the Facebook and Instagram Profiles @paolaranova and @paola.ranova *all contents and illustrations by Paola Novaes Ramos © (Paola Ranova ©). All rights reserved. ----------