
Showing posts from April, 2016

Buddhist Wisdom Post from Elizabeth Gilbert


Reading About Feng Shui

It's important for the Soul to contemplate beauty - in image as well as in the untangible aspects of life. Take care of your health & your body. Clean your house & make it pretty. Be kind to self & others.Try to make everything inside you and around you as beautiful as possible so that the energy feels right. So that that you can breathe in peace. So that your heart can rest & pump & life can flow in its fullest potential. Paola Ranova (April 7th, 2016)

The Kindness of Breezes

Nature is so kind when it gives you breezes 🌾🌿 (especially in Florida, LOL! 😜)

Individual Responsibility & The Family Soul

In Family Constellations, the Soul is a collective entity we belong to. So in this perspective we don't "have" an individual soul - we belong to a collective Soul. According to this understanding, the Family Soul is much larger and much more powerful than any person's individual free will. We are born in a family soul like icebergs are formed in an ocean. Symbolically, each individual of the family can be considered an "iceberg", and the family soul can be seen as "the ocean". We enherit the contents of the Family Soul "ocean". We are made of that "water", which contains the story of life and the history of each one of our ancestors. The history of our ancestors is imprinted in our unconscious mind and in all the cells and energetic blueprints of an individual's bodymind. In the Cardinal Method perspective, which follows many of the fundamental principles of Family Constellations, the focus is on the individual respo...