
Showing posts from 2011

Order in Life and Death

Let the dead die and the living live. Jakob Schneider

Poder e Violência em Hannah Arendt

Pode-se dizer que, quase como imperativos categóricos kantianos , o poder em Arendt é sempre acompanhado de legitimidade , e a violência , nunca. Paola Ranova 05.12.2011 (comentário no texto final de monografia de orientando)


Passionflower Jon Gomm Born in your tiny prison cell the million times smaller than I and you are One single drop, and you’re risen up Afraid of the dark You cracked up through the pavement And super, super slow emotion Your back is gently breaking You reach for the light He can see everything When we get here, everything He can see everything When we get here, everything We can see everything We can hear everything Weakness is not your weakness You are what you grow into You’re not what you were

Alma e Vida

A vida é rápida, mas a alma é lenta. Paola Ranova 02.12.2011 (Inspirado nas obras Bert Hellinger e Clarissa Pinkola Estés )

All You Need Is Love

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love. There's nothing you can do that can't be done. Nothing you can sing that can't be sung. Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game It's easy. There's nothing you can make that can't be made. No one you can save that can't be saved. Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time - It's easy. All you need is love, all you need is love, All you need is love, love, love is all you need. Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love. All you need is love, all you need is love, All you need is love, love, love is all you need. There's nothing you can know that isn't known. Nothing you can see that isn't shown. Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be. It's easy. All you need is love, all you need is love, All you need is love, love, love is all you need. All you need is love (all together now) All you need is love...

Art Nouveau

♥ Art Nouveau is, always has been and always will be my favorite ♥ (Image: Louis Comfort Tifanny Glass Window)


O contrário da morte violenta é a amorosidade da vida.


O que tem força , permanece .


Entrega de ser tão tranquila... Entrega de ser tão... Entrega de ser... Entrega. Paola Ranova (07.12.2007)


Grace She takes the blame She covers the shame Removes the stain It could be her name Grace It's a name for a girl It's also a thought that changed the world And when she walks on the street You can hear the strings Grace finds goodness in everything Grace, she's got the walk Not on a ramp or on chalk She's got the time to talk She travels outside of karma She travels outside of karma When she goes to work You can hear her strings Grace finds beauty in everything Grace, she carries a world on her hips No champagne flute for her lips No twirls or skips between her fingertips She carries a pearl in perfect condition What once was hurt What once was friction What left a mark No longer stings Because grace makes beauty Out of ugly things Grace makes beauty out of ugly things



Sophia is a Dancer

Río Abierto Henri Matisse , La Danse II (1909-1910)

Who's gonna ride your wild horses

Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses U2 You're dangerous 'cause you're honest You're dangerous, you don't know what you want Well you left my heart empty as a vacant lot For any spirit to haunt Hey hey sha la la Hey hey You're an accident waiting to happen You're a piece of glass left in a beach Well, you tell me things I know you're not supposed to Then you leave me just out of reach Hey hey sha la la Hey hey sha la la Who's gonna ride your wild horses? Who's gonna drown in your blue sea? Who's gonna ride your wild horses? Who's gonna fall at the foot of thee? Well you stole it 'cause I needed the cash And you killed it 'cause I wanted revenge Well you lied to me 'cause I asked you to Baby, can we still be friends? Hey hey sha la la Hey hey sha la la Who's gonna ride your wild horses? Who's gonna drown in your blue sea? Who's gonna ride your wild horses? Who's gonna fall at...

Retórica e Comunicação

O fenômeno da retórica pode ter várias interpretações. A retórica dos sofistas antigos e o que o Quentin Skinner chama de retórica em Hobbes podem ter caráter manipulador. A retórica em regimes totalitários também é peculiar (ver discurso " O Triunfo da Vontade " de Hitler). A retórica para Iris Marion Young acessa a dimensão afetiva dos interlocutores para promover receptividade ao conteúdo do discurso. São, portanto, formas diferentes de se conceber o mesmo fenômeno ou recurso de linguagem.

Circle of Love & Body Painting

African Children "A realidade é coisa delicada, de se pegar com a ponta dos dedos. Um gesto mais brutal e pronto: o nada." Paulo Henrique Britto (poeta brasileiro) Omo Tribes Body Painting in Ethiopia


Dancing Zodiac Mandala by Patrick Cardy Dipama Richard Bona Na mbanya du wé dipama Sé nga to nu né A muna ti ndé di dipama wé no Wa, Essè nda do na timba Sunga nyolo mu djalè Ndé mé diwa na dipama Ndoki na é wi yé nô Ndé tu nguélè na m’ndé na o tu kwè Wa, o bi wéngué sé to pi élè Sunga nyolo so ndjalè Djé kwala tè kwala tè na ku sango Djé kwala tè mu té bélè Sé mala bè mala bè na musango Bi mala bè mu ti bèlè Sé wa nu, mo yo na wani Wo nga djénwè nwa nya dangwa [Dipama lyrics on ] Ndjika, ndutu wé no bè Ndjiba djé nu’è nyé ndé longo Djé kwala tè kwala tè na ku sango Djé kwala tè mu té bélè So ni sélè mba ba nya mi è wè dipama Di nongo di buki myango é na wolo Etuma mulema mbalè mbanyi mi é wè lambo Wa, o bi wénguè sé to ki èlè Ti bé kumba ka muki ndjalè Djé kwala tè kwala tè na ku sango Djé kwala tè mu té bélè Sé mala bè mala bè na musango Bi mala bè mu ti bèlè

The Beautiful Bird Revealing the Unknown to a Pair of Lovers.

Joan Miró


"Inimigos" (entre aspas porque no fundo, somos todos um) são grandes aliados, porque mostram à nossa dimensão individual exatamente por onde não ir.

The Zephyr Song

The power of letting life flow... Frusciante in the Water The Zephyr Song Red Hot Chilli Peppers Can I get your hand to write on Just a piece of leg to bite on What a night to fly my kite on Do you want to flash a light on Take a look its on display - for you Coming down no not today Did you meet your fortune teller Get it off with no propellor Do it up it's on with Stella What a way to finally smell her Pick it up but not too strong - for you Take a piece and pass it on Fly away on my Zephyr I feel it more than ever And in this perfect weather We'll find a place together Fly on my wind Rebel and a liberator Find a way to be a skater Rev it up to levitate her Super friendly aviator Take a look its on display - for you Coming down no not today Fly away on my Zephyr I feel it more than ever And in this perfect weather We'll find a place together In the water where I center my emotion All the world can pass me by Fly away on my Zephyr W...

Excesso de racional-legalidade

A cultura ocidental racional-legal de origem europeia estimula as pessoas a quererem ser só luz. Mas excesso de luz mata e cega #cadêasombra, rsrsrs!!!

Condições iniciais (e inescapáveis) da humanidade

Resumindo um pouco de Thomas Hobbes , em vida coletiva somos todos iguais no que é essencial : na vida , na morte e na dor . As aparentes diferenças entre seres humanos são insignificantes diante da profunda igualdade entre nós . Todos nascemos e estamos sujeitos à dor e à morte (violenta ou natural) a qualquer momento.

Political Theory, or else

Political theory speaks to the soul in a social context. And the soul is not necessarily individual matter .

The Sadness of Beauty

There is a great intent of sadness in beauty. It’s there to make it real. Sorrow makes it easier To place real beauty in this world. Fake beauty is never deep enough. Won’t touch the heart. Will touch the ego. Paola Ranova (1996)

On being delicate

A delicadeza nunca é frágil. Ao contrário ;-)

Reflexão sobre Hobbes e Violência

Para Thomas Hobbes , a subjetividade dos seres humanos , cada um imerso em seu mundo interno, é praticamente infinita, e a pluralidade de desejos , aversões e prazeres também. Mas a profunda igualdade entre todos os seres humanos é objetiva (e para ele é o que realmente importa, pelo menos do ponto de vista da Política e da Razão ), e se manifesta na vida , na morte e na dor . Paola Ranova (2011)

Marcel Mauss

We will always owe something to someone. The connection of everything in this world is called DEBT. Somethings are almighty and self-sufficient… They just exist Like sunlight and water. But humans always need so much… we depend on so much it gets really scary. And freedom will only become when we all dissolve back into nothingness. Paola Ranova (1996)

In the depths of

In the depths of some sorts of pleasure lies pain… It's not the outside world's fault… It's not the earth… Paola Ranova (1996)

Soul Singing

Soul Singing Black Crowes Written by: R. Robinson & C. Robinson I've been down Cascading and blue without a sound Now I've traded my black feathers for a crown So feed me milk & honey Lay me down Lay me down Look around Show me holy places not yet found Let's disappear and we'll hide underground We'll get high and we'll feel safe & sound It comes around Arayayayound You got my soul singing my soul singing You got my soul singing my soul singing You got my soul singing my soul singing You got my soul singing my soul singing Home bound Tired of tired of running town to town Tired of my heart turned upside down Now my life's a smile not a frown The sound The sound You got my soul singing my soul singing You got my soul singing my soul singing You got my soul singing my soul singing You got my soul singing my soul singing Sing sing sing along Sing sing along ;-)


If beliefs are sufficiently strong, they sprout from our heads and remain as strong trees in the real world serpents around our wrists or drawings across our skin that do not utter a word. Paola Ranova (2000)


Acredito que exista muita verdade no corpo das pessoas.

Nietzsche e Elitismo

Ainda preciso me dedicar à ideia do elitismo em Nietzsche . Ele fala muito mais em poder pessoal do que em poder social , inclusive criticando este último. E também preciso me dedicar a ideia de associação automática (e muitas vezes apressada ) entre elites , elitismo , protagonismo da dimensão individual dos seres humanos e o papel dos talentos .

Buddha's Teachings

(freely translated by Stephen Mitchell) Mind creates the world; what you see arises with your thoughts. If you speak and act with a confused mind, trouble will follow you as certainly as a cart follows the ox that pulls it. Mind creates the world; what you see arises with your thoughts. If you speak and act with a clear mind, happiness will follow you as certainly as your own shadow in sunlight. "It’s his fault." "She shouldn’t have done that." Believe such thoughts, and you live in resentment. "It’s his fault." "She shouldn’t have done that." Question such thoughts, and you live in freedom. Anger teaches anger. Fear results in more fear. Only understanding can lead to peace. This is the ancient law. (Thank you, S.)

Anonimato, Liberdade e Prisão

O anonimato pode ser tanto uma das mais profundas formas de liberdade quanto de aprisionamento .

Paz de Espírito

Quando a memória é conselheira e não tirana, a vida é mais fácil.

Estar alerta não faz mal a ninguém

É muito melhor viver no ceticismo do que na credulidade . E isso não tem a ver com falta de fé , nem com desqualificação de crenças , e sim com a capacidade de identificar ilusões .

Sobre os Limites III: Subindo a Ponte Levadiça

É importante não apenas expulsar o que faz mal , como também conseguir manter as portas fechadas para não permitir que volte (e é impressionante como esse tipo de coisa sempre tenta voltar). #subindoapontelevadiça

Povo de Pedra XV: Sodalita

Ou Migração

Sobre os Limites II: Em busca de equilíbrio...

...cultivar sempre, e simultaneamente, a boa vontade e os limites.

Povo de Pedra XIII: Turquesa

Cura/Bem Estar/Eliminação de juramentos, inibições e proibições/Proteção

Povo de Pedra XII: Kunzita

Amor Universal/Humildade/Tranquilidade/Proteção

Povo de Pedra XI: Cornalina

Estabilidade/Vitalidade/Superação de abusos/Sucesso

Povo de Pedra X: Obsidiana Floco de Neve

Calma/Liberação de padrões destrutivos/Proteção

Sobre os Limites I: Amor, Liberdade e Respeito

Amor e liberdade se equilibram quando estão associados ao respeito (ver Hellinger ). E na maioria dos casos, respeito é algo que se aprende, eu acho... geralmente pela dor (ver natureza humana nos Elementos de em Hobbes e reflexão sobre a sabedoria em Harold Bloom ).


Rose Path at Giverny , Claude Monet (1920-1922) Impressionism 1 , by Stan Hamilton ♥ Amo o Impressionismo porque mostra que a verdade humana individual não é objetiva ♥


Mark Lanegan , Solo and Screaming Trees Andrew Eldritch , Sisters of Mercy

The Hermit

Imagem: Thoth Tarot ( Aleister Crowley & Lady Frieda Harris )

Povo de Pedra IX: Ágata de Fogo
